There is something about having a routine that appeals to us – to life on Earth in general. If you think about it, all animals follow some sort of daily routine, not necessarily for comfort, but for survival. I can’t help but wonder if the reason we find such comfort in routine is because it is in fact paramount for survival. We thrive on routine and the stability it brings us! No matter what position you find yourself in, you have the freedom to develop your own daily “routine”, in which it is possible to find both peace and purpose. So, today I want to challenge you to join my in a little “routine intervention”! Below are my best tips and the christian planner that helps me stick to it!

Nothing can throw a day off quite like waking up late. Even arriving to work on time cannot undo the flustered mind that is the result of a missed morning routine. I see this even more prevalent in my babies as I witnessed how thrown they were by the lack of routine they had this past weekend. There must be something innate about keeping a “routine” that fuels and centers us, and as an adult, our everyday routine reflects our work and priorities.
Routine and Work
Speaking of work, we were made to do it! We have capable bodies so that we can “till the landâ€, not just to enjoy using it. And when did we decide that we are all so deserving of a workless life of luxury? “The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to take care of it†– Genesis 2:15. Our work is good and needed – It helps others, fills our souls, humbles us, and provides for our families. But “work†is subjective. The work we were made to do is unique to us. Whether you are working at a desk and making the lives of others easier while putting food on your table, using your creative talents to bring joy to the people around you, or wiping butts and encouraging our future farmers to be and do good, your work (if ethical) is uniquely yours and it is good and pleasing to the Lord.
So often we find ourselves wishing we were doing something else. We think we should be somewhere better, work less hours, make more money. But the position you are in at this moment is a gift. You might not be doing exactly what you want to do, but the Lord put you there in this season for a reason and he intends to move your hand and use your gifts in a way only He knows. Even the most mundane of jobs can yield a beautiful expression of Gods glory when they are done for Him.

I know you’ve heard the cliche “A body in motion stays in motion…”but there is some real truth in that. So how do you “put yourself in motion” each day? Consider your current “routine” and ponder the questions below to discern if it is bringing you the peace and purpose it should! Take it a step further and write down your answers to the questions below in your planner.
“Routine Intervention” Questions:
1. Are all of these things feasible to accomplish on most days?
2. Does my routine include a healthy a mix of “service” and “self-care“?
3. Is there something missing that would bring me joy to include each day?
Now, adjust and stick to it every day this week. Maybe you have identified that your day is full of serving others – waking up in a hurry and getting the kids ready, running off to work, getting home and making dinner, putting the kids to bed, and crashing yourself immediately after. Maybe you have identified that your ideal routine is rarely accomplished because it is simply inflexible and the slightest unpredictable event would topple it, sending you off kilter. If there is something about your “daily routine” that you feel consistently disappointed with, make the concerted effort to change that this week.
Okay, so now you’ve both identified and made the changes necessary to develop a routine you can be proud of – one rooted in peace and purpose. But the weeks tick by and your motivation slowly fades. How can you turn your new routine into consistent and reliable habits? Here are my tips:
Tips for Lasting Success with your New Routine:
- Stay strong in consistency for 3-4 weeks.
- Allow room to breath and make a mistake.
- Designate someone to hold you accountable.
- Rid your life of discouraging temptations.
- Pray for patience, grace, and endurance, especially after a mistake.

But first thing’s first, write it down. With a pen. In your planner. Ideally your planner makes finding the “peace and purpose” easier, and if that’s something you’re in the market for, let me introduce you to the Hope Planner. This christian planner not only helps me maintain my daily routine and to do lists with it’s typical planner functionality, but it provides a much deeper and more powerful benefit to this feat. A “prayer planner” essentially, it aligns my daily tasks with my faith practices. It helps me keep my priorities straight with christian specific features such as devotion habit reminders, prayer journaling pages for each week, monthly prayer lists, and embedded bible versus throughout. Because my faith shouldn’t be one of those daily activities, it should be present and visible throughout them all.
If you’re in the market for a planner, I highly recomend the Hope Planner and you can use the code “KELSIE15” to save 15% on their products! I currently have and love the weekly planner, but their Christian daily planner is ideal for incorporating your daily devotional and a great option for mid-year purchase and anyone looking for a fresh start!

“Whatever you do, Do it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters†– Colossians 3:23
Our lives are a sea of “everydays” with a few “vacations” sprinkled in. So, instead of looking forward to the next day off, let’s make our everyday something to enjoy and be proud of! Whether you preach on Sunday or mow lawns Monday-Friday, consider it the Lords work, get your hands dirty, and do it with a smile because you are a piece of His beautiful and perfect puzzle. Just don’t forget to set your alarm!
Love, Kelsie
This post is sponsored by HopeFuel, the creator of the Hope planner. My words and opinions are my own, and my review of this product genuine.