Ever find yourself struggling to keep up your healthy eating habits during a crazy hectic work week? I know I have, so I’ve had to get a bit creative in how I implement fresh and nutritious foods into my work day! In this post I will share with you 4 healthy habits for the busy work day that are conducive to even the craziest of schedules! I’ve also included a few of my favorite healthy snack, smoothie, and lunch recipes that can be prepared in advance and used through the week. Before I begin, let me enlighten you with an idea of what the lunch of a teacher typically looks like…
The lunch-period of a teacher goes something like this:
**Bell rings to indicate the start of your 30 minute lunch period. The first 5 minutes is consumed by sitting at your desk with your head in your hands, taking a few deep breaths, and checking your phone. The escape of checking your phone instead of your email for once excites you, so you get wrapped up in checking Facebook, watching videos, anything to remove you from your classroom for just a moment. Finally you feel a bit refreshed and decide to check your email just in case there’s anything more important for you to do during the 30 minutes you have to eat. Usually there is, and you do it leaving you only 10 minutes (maybe) to shove some food in your face. On the special day when you get to devote the entire 25 minutes left to eating, this is usually coupled with grading, making a few more copies, tidying, responding to emails, or making a non-school related call (because the only time teachers have access to the real world throughout the day to make an appointment is during that lunch time).  This is, of course, assuming that you don’t have any kids knocking on your door to ask about an assignment, wanting to chat, or telling you they’re going to be absent next tuesday and need their work (ha). If you happen to have brought something to heat up, it can take you almost the entire lunch period before you finally are able to make your way to the nearest microwave. Usually, that microwave resides in places with other teachers ready to chat you up OR with donated comfort food that you really don’t need but won’t resist if given the option. You end up chowing down on your lunch out of the Tupperware as you simultaneously walk back to your classroom minutes before the bell rings. The bell rings, your half-eaten lunch sits cooling on your desk, and you are still hungry for the rest of the day. The next chance you get a break to snack, you’re running straight back to the teachers lounge where you know they have leftover cookies. You don’t even feel bad about eating it.**
I don’t think I need to mention the importance of taking care of yourself as a teacher. We are quick to put our own health on the back burner and have all felt the repercussions of doing so. Without the flexibility to take sick days when we want or the time to prepare/enjoy a real meal during our workday, we have to get creative when it comes to taking care of ourselves with the food we eat. I have found a few ways to keep myself energized and satisfied with healthy foods throughout the day. This benefits two-fold becuase if you are less hungry you become less stressed and less likely to stress-eat when the opportunity arises.
Below are my 4 favorite healthy eating habits that are mobile, easily prepared, and do not require a trip to the microwave!ÂÂ
1. Morning Smoothie
(BONUS- you only make it twice a week!)
Your day begins at 6:30 AM (maybe earlier) and you have to  prepare your body for a significant amount of energy expenditure before you get a second chance to eat. In order to keep you from over-indulging during your lunch time, give yourself a head start with a breakfast that is NOT heavy, but filling and healthy!
Each Sunday (sometimes Monday morning) I prepare ONE BIG smoothie in the blender and pour from it every morning  throughout the week. This usually lasts me 4 days (making me feel worthy of running through Starbucks on Friday as a reward for my healthiness ??). I love this habit because it is so much easier than making toast every morning and so much more healthy and filling than simply grabbing a banana and power bar. The other thing amazing thing about this smoothie (and what sets it apart from others) is that it is not made with “filler” ice so each sip you take is ENTIRELY good stuff from the garden giving you the best bang for your sip! ??
Check out my healthy smoothie recipes post for multiple different smoothie recipe varieties, or you can use the general recipe below to make your own creation depending on the season/region you are in!
Here’s what I throw in the blender (changing major fruit players with the seasons):
- 2-3 gala apples (apples prolong hunger from creeping up)
- 1 banana
- Handful of greens (Kale, spinach, arugula, etc.)
- Handful of Berries of choice (I alter this weekly to taste)
- One of the following: Cucumber or Celery Stalks (because of their minimal/soft taste and healthy contents)
- For added sweetness – 1 cup chopped pineapple
- 1/2 cup juice of choice (“not from concentrate” – I use OJ)
Blend and pour into a container to go – I use these reusable To-Go cups with screw on lids – super easy to just throw some saran wrap over the top before screwing the lid on and then stab a straw through when you’re ready to enjoy!
*Side Note – My blender of choice is the INCREDIBLE Blendtec Blender – this amazing tool has lasted me 5 years now and still works perfectly (and I use it almost daily)! This blender can be used to make soup, smoothies, ice cream, and so much more – plus it is self-cleaning! It is quite the investment, and there are cheaper options available, but coming from someone who went through a magic bullet way too fast it was important to me that my next blender purchase be one that lasts! If you’re in the market for a new blender, Blendtec is by far my favorite brand but Vitamix is another great option and is a bit more reasonably priced!*
2.  Healthy Snacking with Protein Balls
In order to keep from inhaling food at lunch time, you need to make sure you’re not starving by the time it arrives. I have always had the “late lunch” period and need something to keep my energy up about the hour before. Of course you could bring a small bag of nuts or grapes to pick from as you swing by your desk (because the snacking should probably be discrete), but I have become addicted to another option:
Protein Balls – the amazing fix that keeps you going and gets you looking forward to them at that mid-morning slump! I started making these as a way to incorporate more protein into my diet and now I can’t stop! Not to mention they are super husband-friendly… I have to hide some in the fridge to make sure they aren’t gone by Wednesday ?.  (Since they are husband proof I’m sure they are kid proof as well!) These guys are amazing because they are a lot more exciting to crack open than a jar of nuts. I don’t let myself open them until 3rd period and I find myself REALLY looking forward to them! It’s the little things that get you through the day ?.
Here’s my Protein Ball Recipe:
(amounts are approximate and should be adjusted to desired taste/consistency):
- 2 cups steel-cut oats
- 1 cup PB (chunky) -add more or less to desired consistency
- 1/2 cup slivered almonds/pecan pieces (your choice)
- 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
- 1/4 cup flax seeds (you can throw in some chia seeds too)
- 1 TBSP honey (optional)
- 1/2 cup protien powder of choice (I use FurtherFood Collagen)
- 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips (because dark chocolate is guilt-free, right?? ?)
- 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
**Mix all ingredients with mixer (I use this KitchenAid Handheld mixer) and roll into 1-inch balls. Option to roll in coconut or cocoa powder. Place in Tupperware, chill, and pull out a couple to biggie up before heading out the door each morning!**
These are so good you will want to eat them first thing in the morning! BUT, I encourage you to save them for mid-morning when you are feeling the need for a pick-me-up! Something as yummy and healthy as these are the perfect treat to look forward and to hold you over to lunch time!
3. Packing a POWER Lunchbox
This is crucial to maintaining enough energy to sustain you through your busy day, and with a little pre-planning can require very little effort! Also, packing a lunch is SO much more fun when you’ve got a Cute Lunchbox to throw everything in – I used grocery bags for years but as soon as I finally landed a lunchbox I found that my lunch-packing game skyrocketed!
Below are a few of my lunchbox favorites to keep me going through the second half of the day:
- Boiled eggs – boil several at the start of the week and pull one or two each day to bring to lunch!
- Big Carrots/pepper slices and Hummus – again, prepare slices of veggies early in the week and pull from them each day. If you have the space, leave the humus in your school fridge to eat from for a couple weeks before replacing with a new one!
- Mixed nuts and Greek yogurt – I love to make my own seed/nut/granola mix at the grocery store on Sunday’s and then toss some of the mix into my Greek yogurt for lunch.
- A Food/Energy/Protein Bar – my favorites are LARABAR, Go Macro, and Power Crunch due to their low sugar and delicious taste!
- Healthy Leftovers – anytime I have leftovers I split them up into small Tupperware containers so I can grab them on a whim as I head out the door! I would suggest making a big batch of healthy chili on Sunday night so you have plenty of leftovers to bring with you on any particularly busy morning!
… and one more thing that proves to be my FAVORITE lunch item. This brings me to #4…

4. Tupperware Shake-Salad:
This is something that you can again make once or twice a week and pull from it everyday for a quick-pack lunch! You do not need any fancy salad dressing to make this and it is super healthy! Simply prepare in a bowl and divide between a few tupperware containers to grab from throughout the week. Check out a few of my favorite recipes below! (Ginger lime is pictured and another recipe is listed below)
Southwest Citrus Arugola Salad (makes enough for about 4 days of lunchtime salads):
- 1.5 bags Arugola
- sliced oranges (2)
- slivered almonds (1/2 cup)
- chopped onion or minced shallot (whichever you prefer)
- chopped celery & cucumber (I use 1 cucumber & 1 celery stalk)
- Bunch of chopped cilantro
- Drizzle of Olive Oil (to taste)
- Squeeze of 1/2 lemon (add more if desired)
- salt & pepper to taste
The lemon keeps this salad fresh for days and the citrus flavor is nicely balanced by the southwestern flavors of the onion and cilantro! Because it is a salad you can easily modify the contents for a flavor mix up – I will sometime add green pepper, avocado, or tomato. Super yummy and healthy – another item I “look forward to” throughout the morning ?.
Sticking to a regimen of healthy lunch-packing can keep you on your best game throughout the week. When you are satisfied with healthy alternatives, you are much more likely to resist the goodies that you’re offered all the time! Also, keeping up with these healthy habits makes you more likely to continue them for dinner at home (why would you want to ruin all your healthy hard work?). Adopt these healthy-eating habits this school year and find yourself better prepared to tackle those not-so-glamorous teacher tasks and with more energy to enjoy your evenings at home!